Exercise 1 | WiFi Impressionist

     The WiFi Impressionist is a piece created by Richard Vijgen that uses a simple combination of a directional antenna and a mobile plotter device to render a cityscape in 3d by its WiFi signals.  The antenna is attached to a device that allows it to pan and tilt while mounted on a tripod, when it detects a WiFi signal it send the direction and strength to the attached RasPi which plots the location in 3d space using a mobile plotter.
     The representation of the city is inspired by the cityscapes of William Turner but the audience for each piece is much more specific, focusing on a relatively small geographic area. 
     The experience created is interesting because without knowing the context behind the art it looks like almost random scribbles, but when the source is known the depth becomes clear. Each piece shows a different cross section of our increasingly connected lives and lets us see just how much is really going on.

