Project 2 - Prototype for an alternative interface
My vision for the second project was to come up with a way for people to share experiences through non visual mediums. I ended up choosing sound for the medium because it seemed the most practical and varied way to convey what I wanted. So much of what we share today is visually based even if it does incorporate sound into it, like videos of concerts or vlogs for instance. My goal was to simply take the inputs from person A and convey that data through sound to person B. The device would be wearable and measure a variety of environmental factors (wind, temperature, sun, rain, humidity) but also measure biological factors (heartrate, recent movement, body temp, brain waves) in order to convey how the user was feeling as well as what the environment was like, with the output sound taking the form of a procedurally generated song. This could serve a variety of purposes: an installation with two closed booths that contain environmental controls, a platform to share exper...